Astrology: Fashion: Emma Stone’s Flowery Straw Hats in ‘Magic in the Moonlight’

How down-to-earth should a mystic be? Emma Stone has some ideas. In Magic in the Moonlight, set in 1928, Stone plays Sophie Baker, a young woman whose talents as a medium have been causing quite a stir on the European continent. In an era when spiritualism and communicating with the dead at seances were all […]

Astrology Signs Increasingly Pop Up in Movies and TV

On Monday, on Fox’s hot new drama “The Following,” starring Kevin Bacon, a note written by cult follower Amanda Porter (Marin Ireland) described herself as, among other things, a Pisces. This reference didn’t have quite the impact of the Piscean mention in the decade-old Bend It like Beckham, in which an older relative says, “Lesbian? […]