On Monday, on Fox’s hot new drama “The Following,” starring Kevin Bacon, a note written by cult follower Amanda Porter (Marin Ireland) described herself as, among other things, a Pisces. This reference didn’t have quite the impact of the Piscean mention in the decade-old Bend It like Beckham, in which an older relative says, “Lesbian? […]
Astrology: Television: ‘Homeland’: Carrie’s and Brody’s Planetary Neuroses
December 18, 2012 by
Falling in love has been described as each partner’s infatuation with the other’s neuroses. Nowhere is the adage more true than on “Homeland,” the Emmy award-winning drama from Showtime which just broadcast its Season 2 finale. Although viewers became increasing disenchanted with implausible and irksome character behavior this season, to say that “Homeland” fell off […]