By Jove, Annie literally lives, breathes and radiates Jupiter – the planet representing the archetype tied to education, expansiveness, and truth and meaning of life – as surely as the Sun will come out tomorrow. Directed by Will Gluck, the movie begins with the titular character (Quvenzhané Wallis) in a classroom, with an exasperated teacher […]
Astrology: Film: Review: ‘Boyhood’ (2014)
For most of us, life is way too busy to allow for keen observations of minute gradations of growth and blossoming of family members, friends and other significant individuals who help grace our time on the planet. Perhaps it’s for this reason – our lack of attention to or even caring for such detail – […]
Astrology: Film: Review: ‘Chinese Puzzle’ (2014)
Embracing and developing the Libran qualities of fairness, cooperation and balance are essential to a successful relationship. And in Chinese Puzzle, directed and written by Cédric Klapisch, Xavier Rousseau (Romain Duris) – a recurring character in Klapisch’s The Spanish Apartment and Russian Dolls – needs to learn those balancing lessons in a hurry. Xavier is […]
Astrology: Film: Review: ‘Belle’ (2014)
Take away the mid-18th century periodicity of Belle, and you’ve got a movie about social justice that’s as contemporary as they come. Directed by Amma Asante and loosely based on a true story, Belle is the story of Dido Elizabeth Belle, the illegitimate daughter of a Royal Navy captain and a slave. The movie begins […]
Astrology: Fashion: Bucket Bags
They’re called bucket bags for good reason. Like pails, they’ve got a broad base that nicely balances your hoard for easy transport. If you jam-pack them in well organized fashion, these babies evoke the mythic Cornucopia or Horn of Plenty. One account of the legend involves the baby god Jupiter, whose mother Rhea had him […]
Astrology: Film: Review: ‘The Secret Life of Walter Mitty’ (2013)
For many people, daydreams are the most grandiose source of faux reality they’ll ever experience. In The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, starring and directed by Ben Stiller, Walter has garnered considerable expertise in the art of Neptunian, zoned-out escapism which allows him to live an imagined life of derring-do in a universe of his […]
Astrology: Film: Review: ‘The Wolf of Wall Street’ (2013)
Based on the true story of crooked broker Jordan Belfort, Martin Scorsese’s The Wolf of Wall Street is a three-hour evocation of the revelry-filled Roman festival known as the Saturnalia. At some point during that ancient manic carnival, the head reveler was put to death. This mythology-as-art winds up imitating life as Belfort’s (Leonardo DiCaprio) […]
Astrology: Fashion: Diane Kruger’s Jacket in ‘The Bridge’
In “The Bridge,” the gritty new television drama, Diane Kruger plays Sonya Cross, a detective in the El Paso police department who works closely with a Mexican law enforcement agent (Demian Bichir). Sonya is an effective professional whose conversations and comments are characterized by an astonishing directness and inquisitiveness. The cause is her Asperger’s, a […]