Archetypes: Film: Review: ‘Paddington’ (2015)

Broadening one’s outlook often occurs through travel and education. Both these archetypes of expansion are the heart of Paddington, which delights in sharing the arrival, in London, of the iconic teddy bear immortalized in Michael Bond’s books. Written and directed by Paul King, the movie, a combination of live action and CG (for the bears), […]

Astrology: Film: ‘Blue Jasmine’ (2013)

Woody Allen’s Blue Jasmine is the assured work of an older artist unafraid to make the point that people typically go to their graves clutching the archetypes they’ve been projecting and embracing for decades, no matter how self-destructive. Blue Jasmine, the character, is actually Jeanette (Cate Blanchett), who took on her flowery moniker years earlier […]