The Feminine unfolds and blossoms at a tempo unique to the individual who either embraces or grapples with the gifts of Aphrodite. Einar Wegener, a male, 20th-century, Danish artist, whose story is at the core of The Danish Girl, was unique in confronting this Venusian challenge. Directed by Tom Hooper, and based on David Ebershoff’s […]
Film: ‘Les Misérables’ (2012)
December 7, 2012 by
Transforming one’s life is tough enough. What’s worse is the backlash from people who, out of self-interest, preferred you the old way. That’s pretty much the idea behind Tom Hooper’s “Les Misérables,” the extravagant musical film based on the theatrical musical rooted in Victor Hugo’s novel. The story, set in 18th century France during revolutionary […]