In “The Bridge,” the gritty new television drama, Diane Kruger plays Sonya Cross, a detective in the El Paso police department who works closely with a Mexican law enforcement agent (Demian Bichir). Sonya is an effective professional whose conversations and comments are characterized by an astonishing directness and inquisitiveness. The cause is her Asperger’s, a […]
Astrology: Fashion: Diane Kruger’s White Suit in ‘The Host’
We’re seeking the Seeker’s snappy white suit in The Host. Diane Kruger plays a member of an alien race called the Souls that has conquered the earth into peaceful submissiveness. Trousers end just above the ankle, jacket fits like a glove. Take a meeting, rule the planet. White traditionally rules the nurturing Cancerian Moon. So […]
Astrology: Film: ‘The Host’ (2013)
You’d hardly call Melanie Stryder the hostess with the mostest. That’s because, in The Host, based on Twilight series’ author Stephenie Meyer’s novel, an alien race called the Souls has “colonized” earthlings into submissives by implanting into their bodies an alien soul. In this futuristic society, most of the few pockets of remaining humans who […]